Monday, August 31, 2009

Training Day!

Ok today was a day full of training. It was nice to get the information and I can't wait to put it to good use. Now we'll have to see if I can use it all!!!  I think it will definitely enhance the way I do my job. If only everyone were able to use the same technology piece across the board. I think until that happens everyone will not be on the same page. I am glad that I have access to the best possible technology tools. If you have no clue what I am talking about just stay tuned and I will let you know more as I go...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My first post.

This is my first blog. I am trying it out to see if this is a good way to keep all my friends and family up-to-date on all the things that I do. Despite all the things that has happened, I like doing my job and am very thankful to have one. I know there are lots of people that are jobless and are struggling. I feel for them and wish that their circumstances will get better!!! This year I am going to share my adventures and share some pics whenever possible. So stay tuned!!!